Welcome to Scheid Law Offices!

The burocratic jungle and the complicated legal system here in Germany can often be very confusing. Especially when your native language is not German, serious misunderstandings can occur.

Therefore, it is helpful to have someone who understands you when it comes to legal issues; someone who speaks your language.  At Scheid Law Offices, that is precisely what we can do. We can handle virtually all legal issues and speak fluent Italian and Greek. We are also able to provide assistance in other languages. You can be confident that there will be no misunderstandings and that you will get the support you need for all of your legal concerns.

We provide consultation for private individuals as well as small to mid-size businesses.

  • When you have an automobile accident, we can help.
  • When you have problems with your passport or your work permit, we can help.
  • When you want to start a business and are not exactly sure what needs to be done, we can help.


We fight for your rights!

Please do not hesitate to contact us through our contact formula. You will receive a free and non-binding legal consultation.

Best regards,

Scheid Law Offices


Felix Arthur Goehl

Fachanwalt für Bau- und Architektenrecht
Fachanwalt für Wohnungseigentums- und Mietrecht

Schwerpunkte: Baurecht, Architektenrecht, Wohnungseigentums­recht, Mietrecht, Grundstücksrecht